关键词:Ali Vatansever 窮忙世代 剧情
影视迷为您提供2018年由Erol Afsin,萨黛·阿克索伊,Onur Buldu,Emrullah Cakay,Ümmü Putgül,基达·拉马丹,Ebru Ojen Sahin,Kutay Sandikci,Mihaela Trofimov主演,Ali Vatansever导演的《穷忙世代》/原名《SAF》/又名《窮忙世代》剧情电影在线观看完整版,《穷忙世代》百度云网盘资源以及《穷忙世代》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《穷忙世代》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!
在土耳其伊斯坦堡的菲基爾特佩地區,都市建造將原本居住在此的窮人迫趕至社區之外,外來的敘利亞難民亦躲藏在廢棄的建築物裡避難生存,卡米爾和他的太太雷姆齊耶正擔心著隨時會失去他們的房子。長期失業的狀況下,別無選擇的卡米爾只好偷偷在建築工地上夜班,而這份「艱難」的工作,不僅是從一位受傷的敘利雅難民那搶來的,雇主公司還是破壞該住宅區的財團。一方便怕被鄰居們發現自己背叛了社區,一方面委曲求全地以敘利亞難民的低工資才爭取到的工作,千斤般重的壓力與焦慮,讓原本心性誠實善良的卡米爾,逐漸變了樣。某天,卡米爾無聲無息地失蹤,心急如焚的雷姆齊耶四處探訪尋夫,事實的呈現卻與她熟識的枕邊人大不相同,她決心要找出真相。Plot Summary:The Fikirtepe district of Istanbul. Urban transformation is sweeping away the poor communities and Syrian refugees take shelter in deserted buildings. Kamil and his wife Remziye risk losing their home. Unemployed for a long time, Kamil, has no choice but to secretly accept a job on a construction site. Not only is he taking the job from a Syrian refugee, he's also working for the company that's destroying the area next door. Oppression and anxiety both in his neighborhood, where he fears discovery, and at work, where he's accepted the low wages paid to refugees, gradually transform him. When Kamil suddenly disappears, Remziye has to face the consequences of his actions, which do not fit the man she knows. But she will not give up.